Should I Use WD-40 to Lubricate my Garage Door?
Our company gets asked often, “should I use WD-40 to lubricate my garage door?” We are not going to make you dig in this article for the answer to this question. The answer is no. Using WD-40 as a lubricant is not the best idea.
Why you shouldn’t use it as a lubricant on garage doors.
Let us first of all say that WD-40 can be used on garage doors. It is very helpful in the garage door repair process. However, it should not be used to lubricate parts on a garage door. A vast majority of individuals think that WD-40’s primary purpose is to lubricate moving parts. However, that is just not the case. WD-40 is best used as a cleaner because it contains solvents used to clean off dirt and even rust. It is one of the most effective ways to clean dirt, sand, and other lubricants off of moving parts. Using only WD-40 on a garage door will cause parts to deteriorate at a much more rapid rate.
Proper Usage on a Garage Door
WD-40 should be used to clear off existing lubricant and dirt on a garage door. Then a lubricant should be applied to the necessary parts of the garage door. Our garage door repair company has worked on a large number of garage doors with corrosion due to improper use of solvent based products. Serious damage can be done to a garage door by using WD-40 improperly.
Have more questions or need help?
Do you have more questions about your garage door? Are you looking for a garage door repair company in Riverside? Automated Garage Door Systems is the right company to call for all of your garage door repair needs and questions. You may be able to find more useful information on our blog. We are also working on creating a “submit a question to the experts” feature on our website. This will allow you to ask us questions easily so we can answer them. We may even feature your question on our website. We look forward to helping you with all of your garage door repair needs.